After 4 days of travel from Sullivan Bay, we have arrived at Prince Rupert.  This is our last stop in British Columbia before transitting Dixon Entrance and entering Alaska.
We left Sullivan Bay on Tuesday June 6th and had a fabulous crossing of Queen Charlotte Sound.  We anchored that night in Fury Cove, just off Rivers Inlet.  It is a beautiful spot with white shell beaches.  The dogs loved it.  We then went to Shearwater Marina for one night, then headed northwest through protected waters.  We had read about a place called Butedale that is an abandoned cannery but has a caretaker and dock space.  It sounded pretty rustic, but was a good stopping point, so we planned to spend the next night there.  After a long day of traveling, we arrived to find the place was beyond description - reaaly bad!   Take a look at our photos in the photo gallery as a picture is worth a thousand words, as they say.  We took our life in our hands just getting ashore to walk the dogs.  Couldn't get out of there fast enough the next morning!  Our next stop was in Lowe Inlet, and we anchored just in front of Verney Falls, which is the picture you see here.  It is breathtaking and a photo doesn't do it justice.  We would have enjoyed it so much more if it had not been raining non-stop.  If the weather is better on our return trip, we will definitely stop there.  They say if the salmon are running, it is also a great place to watch bears feed in the falls.  Maybe not so great for walking the dogs, though!!
We will leave Prince Rupert Tuesday morning, when it looks like we will have favorable winds for making the crossing of Dixon Entrance.  So we have today and tomorrow to get some shopping done and exlore the town.  Next stop, Foggy Bay in Alaska,

Jackie B
6/12/2013 07:02:22 am

Hope y'all are still doing well and that the weather is good!

6/12/2013 07:36:19 am

Wow! The pictures are first rate...Buttdale sure is rustic...ha ha ha. Let's face it, you take the good with the bad right. "It's all good"...If you didn't have Buttdale, how would you know your having a great time...I loved the other two pictures of the sunset, and water fall...excellent photos...Very Bob Ross. It's like being there with you. Any mishaps, adventures in crossing on the logs, or animals come to play yet...Al and I are thinking of an Alaskan Cruise next. Keep up the great story telling...we're checking daily to see what you see, and what your thinking of the coast line. We're on this trip with you all the way. Both of us are doing really great. No worries here...One day at a time...till it's time. So have a great time...for all of us.

6/24/2013 02:16:16 pm

fantastic, Jan showed me how to get into the web site today so now I can follow your trip. Take cre. JIM


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