We spent two cold, windy, rainy days in Nanaimo, waiting for the winds to die down so we could cross the Straight of Georgia.  We were finally able to leave yesterday morning, and had a great crossing.  We came to our SYC outstation on Cortes Island, Desolation Sound, to pick up our prawn traps that we had lost last summer.  A fellow boater found them drifting, called our cell number that was on the floats, and he took them to Cortes Bay where our outstation manager stored them for the winter.  Pretty nice! 
As you can see from the picture, not many boats here at this time of year.  It will be packed by summer.  We were thrilled to see the new Pea Patch at the outstation that managers Marvin and Heather have constructed,  It is awesome!  We harvested some fresh herbs to take with us.
The sun is finally out today, and we are heading to Blind Channer for the night, then hopefully up Johnstone Straight tomorrow and on to the Broughton Islands.  Our next big water to cross is Queen Charlotte Straight.

Sallie Watson
5/30/2013 06:07:51 am

brings back fond memories...of course not the cold part. I am happy with my daily 75 degrees and no humidity but I do miss boating. Enjoy and keep posting fun to read where you are and where you are going.

Phyllis Yonavich
5/30/2013 12:31:17 pm

Glad you are on your way again! Keep in touch. Love you, P


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